Copy of How To Apply

Professional and affordable manicure in minutes! With the right application technique, your nail wraps should stay on for up to 10-14 days. 

How to apply your Pretty Poke Nails nail wraps (infographic):

Applying your nail Polish wrap sticker strips infographics


How to apply nail wraps step 1 - Apply your nail wraps, start with clean dry hands and nails. step 2 - Select the appropriate size of nail wrap that best fits your nail. step 3 - Remove the clear plastic protective film on top of nail wrap strip and peel from silver tab. 4 - Gently peel off the nail wrap strip from backing. How to apply your nail polish wrap - Align the nail polish wrap strip on your nail. Firmly smoothen, from cuticle to tip of nail until nail surface is free of wrinkle and air pockets. Nail Polish Sticker Application - Fold the nail wrap over nail tip and file away excess wrap in a downward motion.


7. Add a topcoat for professional and lasting results. We highly recommend our Gel Manicure Kit | Pretty Poke Nails for super high shine and professional finish in just 90 seconds!


For your best Pretty Poke Nails nail wrap experience, click here for more tips and tricks on perfecting your nail wrap application.